In Store Music
The music tracks and announcements in your In Store Music program are completely under your control
As a shopper steps into your store, they enter a domain where you dictate the music and advertising messages playing aloud throughout the business.
Because you are in charge, you don't run the risk of having customers shocked or offended by some risque lyrics or profanity blaring out from the loudspeakers.
There won't be any bad news events or competitors' advertising that could be broadcast when you have a radio playing in the place. Plus if do have a radio in use you will become subject to annual fees charged by APRA and PPCM.
You operate the business, you should be the one in charge! It should be your decision on what music is played and who benefits from any advertising and promotional messages.
The library of Royalty Free Music we draw on to compile In Store Music programs is exceedingly vast. But don't worry, when it comes to selecting the individual tracks to play at your place, you'll work with our music experts. We will help you compile the playlists for your place.
In addition to having the final say on any music to be heard on your In Store Music program you also decide what messages will be featured and how often they will be heard in the program.
Any information that goes into the messages on your In Store Music program will be decided by you. Along with approving the actual wording used when our copywriters develop the scripts for the announcements.
You tell us what to say, we look after the how to say it! Our skilled copywriters will write the scripts for you to amend/approve before we go into the recording process.
We record the messages at Media Group studios using professional male and female voice artists under the direction of our in-house studio Producers.
You can be sure the quality of the recorded messages will be first class. As part of Media Group, the business audio specialists, we have very high standards to protect.
We produce sound tracks for use on radio, television, cinema, the internet and corporate presentations throughout Australia, New Zealand and internationally.
In Store Music means you have full control of the music and the messages at your place. The tracks are selected by you from our library of Royalty Free Music.There will be no messages from competitors. And your customers won't be hearing any politics or government ads and there will be no offensive rubbish.
Discover the control and the benefits your business will enjoy with In Store Music.
To start your 30 Day FREE TRIAL. Click here.